This tutorial is about how to build an ecommerce webpage for free without learining how to code.You will also be able to recieve payment.

Building an eCommerce website is not cheap, you will need to pay for a Domain name, Webhosting, SSL, email service, and above all hire an experienced web developer to handle the project.

Hiring a developer who is experienced in creating an e-commerce website is not cheap. Does this mean that you will then not be able to sell your products with ease? This is I why I have created this tutorial to show users free tools they can use to create their e-commerce website in a very simple way and also for FREE too.

Introduction to the course

This video is an introduction to the course. Here I explained what Paystack is and the feature we will be using for our e-commerce store. Please support me on Patreon

Signin to the Dashboard and description of the dashboard

This video talks about how to sign in to the dashboard of the Paystack and also about the description of the dashboard

Creating the Store Front

Here we will create the Store Front, which is our eCommerce webpage.

Adding Items to the product section

This video talks about adding items to the product section.

Displaying products in the storefront

We will display all the products that we added to the storefront and also learn how to customize them.

Setting Product Delivery Fee

We will add delivery fees and details to all our products in this video

After Purchase Settings

We need to send a message to all our customers that ordered an item, or we can also send them to a page that we want, this video talks about that

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